Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Why I Started Blog

I decided to create this blog in honor and memory of Michael Jackson specifically. Since I knew that I would probably be talking about his life, his controversy, his death. I wanted to post all of my thoughts in one place. I wrote a post about Michael and realized there was so much else I wanted to say, but couldn't. This was not the right forum.

This blog will probably cause contraversy. People will not agree with me. The other bloggers in my community of books are much younger and can not relate to my thoughts at all. They did not live in the era of the 1970- 1980 when Michael was just coming into the spotlight. Most everyone that is younger remember him during his crazy essentricities. They can not relate.

I have posted on a few blogs and they replied harshly mainly because they remember him with the slander of a great talent.

I realized that blogging I would do about Michael would not take up just one or two post but many. At least till I slowly wear off the shock of this

I would like to have this recorded and kept for myself as a record of my thoughts of Michael.

Watch out for my post in a few days.

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