Saturday, July 11, 2009

What Kind of Doctors Tx Michael

These doctors that take care of celebrities think they have it made. They don't have to report to anyone. They have to do what the celebrity tells them to do without question. That is terrible no one monitors and regulate these doctors and their practice and they don't get punished. These doctors think they can get away with it. These doctors should be regulated and told how to treat a celebrity. If not this will keep on happening over and over again. A shameless death. Look at Michael their children don't have a father any longer. Someone has to be responsible. Someone has to monitor and regulate these doctors just like doctors that have a practice.

That is why in the practice you have a patient record with the doctor's records. What you did for the patient. What you plan to do and what the alternative is.
Apparantly when you are a private physician you don't have a record where everything you do for the patient is written down.

Most likely it is easy for a doctor to fool anyone anyway because there is not any accountability and regulation. I don't know how you would do this when you have a one on one patient contact.

This is just my thoughts.

The Effect Of Michael Jackson's Death On Me

It is just so sad that a life was cut short too soon and senseless. I am exactly he's age and maybe It saddens me because to me, I think of him as a young man. Which when someone says he's 50 he is a old man. No he is not I am 50 and realize yes both of us are old. Maybe this is what bothers me. I assume this is what happens to everyone when you reach this. What happened. I was 20, 25, 30,- 50.

My g-d I am old then too. I used to think my parents and my grandmother. I never thought I would feel and think this way. But I am. Makes you wonder of your own mortality and how short and fast life goes. I myself can't believe where did my life go. I did not realize it until my son finished HS he is 18 and I am 50. Boy, time flys... I am older and everyone around me is younger. What happened.

You take things for granted. I remember when thriller came out I was 25 and so was Michael. Most everyone my age stopped following Michael after Thriller. This was for the younger generation after BAD. But now that I am listening to his music after Bad he has not changed. I love the genious and the music. He's life will live for a long time.

What I Think Happened

My thoughts on the death of Michael. I have not written what I suspect. But so far what CNN has said is what I suspect. I suspected from the start about the presciption drugs. I just did not want to start something unless there was enough proof.

But instead I am saying THIS IS MY SPECULATION about how Michael died. I think the last doctor that was with him gave him gave him something. Something went wrong and that is why he ran. I don't think he did anything intentional. I just think he was not a qualified doctor.

The doctor was not licensed to give medication in the state of California to begin with. It did not sound like from the 9-1-1 call that he knew even what to do. There are alot of things that don't add up to me. The doctor was there why did he not make the call. He did not sound like he was doing CPR. He attempted to do CPR on the bed. Everyone knows you need a hard surface. I have experience with the medical field. I have a nursing degree but have not practiced nursing in a long time. But everyone in the medical field knows this.

If he was giving this Deprivan. All of us in the medical field know that you have to be a specialized doctor and trained. This is called Anesthesiology. You have to have O2, intubation tube, IV drips etc. So that you can revive him. Something went wrong here.

These doctors that have been with him for years are not doctors trained with this drug. Something sounds fishy in Denmark... You can't even prescibe this medication. It comes from a hospital or day surgeries. Maybe he's dermatologist and Debbie Rowe had something to do with this. I would not be surprise.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Why I Started Blog

I decided to create this blog in honor and memory of Michael Jackson specifically. Since I knew that I would probably be talking about his life, his controversy, his death. I wanted to post all of my thoughts in one place. I wrote a post about Michael and realized there was so much else I wanted to say, but couldn't. This was not the right forum.

This blog will probably cause contraversy. People will not agree with me. The other bloggers in my community of books are much younger and can not relate to my thoughts at all. They did not live in the era of the 1970- 1980 when Michael was just coming into the spotlight. Most everyone that is younger remember him during his crazy essentricities. They can not relate.

I have posted on a few blogs and they replied harshly mainly because they remember him with the slander of a great talent.

I realized that blogging I would do about Michael would not take up just one or two post but many. At least till I slowly wear off the shock of this

I would like to have this recorded and kept for myself as a record of my thoughts of Michael.

Watch out for my post in a few days.